haku: @author Shirreff, D. / yhteensä: 77
viite: 10 / 77
Tekijä:Shirreff, D.
Otsikko:Naughty Germans
1997 : APR, 4, p. 56-57
Tiivistelmä:At least two years after the UK and most other good European states, Germany may finally implement two EU directives that are vital to safer, fairer and more harmonious European finance. Who has gained and who has lost from the delay? Eurocrats in Brussels enjoy the thought that Germany could face fines of Ecu250, 000 a day for failing to implement the EU's investment services directive and the capital adequacy directive. They regard it as "disgraceful" that such a key member of the single European market is two years late, and they want some revenge.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 165218
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