haku: @indexterm Property rights / yhteensä: 78
viite: 20 / 78
Tekijä:Gradstein, M.
Otsikko:Inequality, democracy and the protection of property rights
Lehti:Economic Journal
2007 : JAN, VOL. 117:516, p. 252-269
Asiasana:property rights
Tiivistelmä:This study deals with the emergence of property rights (hereafter as: p-r.) protection (here as: p-r-prot.) as a political (as: pol.) outcome. It is argued that the support for such p-r-prot. is greater the more equal income distribution and the smaller political bias. When these conditions initially hold, the pol. influential rich elite may prefer to relinquish its power through democratization (as: dem.) to commit future policy makers to the enforcement of p-r., thus ensuring larger investment and faster growth along the transition path. However, in a very unequal economy such dem. will not take place.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 263371
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