haku: @indexterm DUOPOLY / yhteensä: 79
viite: 29 / 79
Tekijä:Baldauf, A.
Dockner, E.
Reisinger, H.
Otsikko:The effects of long-term debt on a firm's new product pricing policy in duopolistic markets
Lehti:Journal of Business Research
2000 : NOV, VOL. 50:2, p. 201-208
Tiivistelmä:While many marketing models ignore the influence of financial variables on a firm's marketing strategy, this article explores the effect of debt on the profit maximizing price for a new product. The authors assume a duopolistic market structure in which two firms produce a heterogeneous new consumer durable that is sold over two different periods. Firms know market demand in the first period with certainty, while demand in the second period is uncertain.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 222574
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