haku: @journal_id 65 / yhteensä: 792
viite: 43 / 792
Tekijä:Watson, R.
Otsikko:Product variety and competition in the retail market for eyeglasses
Lehti:Journal of Industrial Economics
2009 : JUN, VOL. 57:2, p. 217-251
optical aids industry
product variety
Tiivistelmä:I use original data on eyewear retailers in a cross-section of U.S. markets to examine how firms' product range choices vary in relation to the extent of local competition. Market level regressions imply average per firm variety diminishing in the number of rivals. In firm-level regressions, acknowledging spatial differentiation within each market, a non-monotonic relationship between product ranges and competition is evident. As the amount of nearby rivals increases, per firm variety may first grow before eventually declining. Explanations for this pattern are provided, in terms of a tradeoff between business stealing and clustering influences.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 275972
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