haku: @author Kim, B. / yhteensä: 8
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Tekijä:Kim, B.
Rossi, P.
Otsikko:Purchase frequency, sample selection, and price sensitivity: the heavy-user bias
Lehti:Marketing Letters
1994 : JAN, VOL. 5:1, p. 57-67
Tiivistelmä:The authors study the relationship between purchase frequency and volume and choice behaviour as summarized by brand preferences and price sensitivity. The most striking finding is that consumers with high purchase frequency or high purchase volume are much more price sensitive and have more sharply defined preferences for national brands than consumers with low frequency or low volume of purchase. In much of the choice literature, analysis is confined to households that have on average a larger number of purchases than is representative of the ERIM panel.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 109476
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