haku: @author Baldwin, R. / yhteensä: 8
viite: 2 / 8
Tekijä:Baldwin, R.
Forslid, R.
Haaland, J.
Otsikko:Investment creation and diversion in Europe
Lehti:World Economy
1996 : NOV, VOL. 19:6, p. 635-660
Tiivistelmä:The European Union's (EU's) Single market programme made it easier for EU-based firms to compete in other EU markets. This liberalisation benefited the EU economies, yet it unintentionally threatened non EU nations. The threat is easy to understand. Because the liberalisation applied primarily to EU-based firms, it changed the relative competitiveness of EU versus nonEU firms in the EU markets. This loss of competitiveness of EU versus nonEU firms in the EU markets. This loss of competitiveness constituted an especially severe problem for the nations of the European Free Trade Association.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 155532
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