haku: @author Kim, B. / yhteensä: 8
viite: 6 / 8
Tekijä:Kim, B.
Sidorenko-Stephenson, S.
Otsikko:Economic experience and market commitment in the 1996 Russian presidential election
Lehti:Europe-Asia Studies
1999 : MAY, VOL. 51:3, p. 467-482
Tiivistelmä:There has been heated debate as to whether there is a positive effect of democracy on economic growth. Some scholars, such as Friedman, assert that economic growth and democracy are mutually reinforcing. This article aims to analyze the determinants of Russians' intended vote for Eltsin and Zyuganov and to compare differences between supporters of the two candidates. This analysis leads to the evaluation of the two contrasting hypotheses explaining voting behavior in Russian cities.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 204141
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