haku: @author Baldwin, R. / yhteensä: 8
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Tekijä:Baldwin, R.
Forslid, R.
Otsikko:Trade liberalisation and endogenous growth: a q-theory approach
Lehti:American Economic Review
2000 : APR, VOL. 50:2, p. 497-518
Tiivistelmä:This paper introduces a new approach to the analysis of endogenous growth effects and uses it to illustrate two novel trade-and-growth links. The approach's simplicity allows us to introduce scale economies and imperfect competition into the R&D and financial intermediation sectors of a Romer-Grossman-Helpman endogenous growth model. The authors show that trade liberalization can stimulate growth via a procompetitive effect in the R&D sector and/or financial sector.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 213019
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