haku: @indexterm convertible bonds / yhteensä: 8
viite: 7 / 8
Tekijä:Ammann, M.
Kind, A.
Wilde, C.
Otsikko:Are convertible bonds underpriced? An analysis of the French market
Lehti:Journal of Banking and Finance
2003 : APR, VOL. 27:4, p. 635-653
Asiasana:Convertible bonds
Market conditions
Vapaa asiasana:Derivatives
Tiivistelmä:The empirical analysis shows that the theoretical values for the analyzed convertible bonds are an average more than 3% higher than the observed market prices. The difference between market and model prices is greater for out-of-the-money convertibles. A partition of the sample according to maturity indicates that there is a positive relationship between underpricing and maturity with decreasing mispricing for bonds with shorter time to maturity.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 253191
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