haku: @author Bacon, N. / yhteensä: 8
viite: 7 / 8
Tekijä:Bacon, N.
Wright, M.
Demina, N.
Otsikko:Management buyouts and human resource management
Lehti:British Journal of Industrial Relations
2004 : JUN, VOL. 42:2, p. 325-347
Asiasana:Human resource management
Management buy-outs
Tiivistelmä:The findings from a survey of the effects of management buyouts on human resource management (HRM) are reported in this article. Buyouts resulted in increased employment, the adoption of new reward systems, and expanded employee involvement. These developments support the resource-based view that buyouts develop internal assets over agency theory predictions that managers will adopt a cost reduction approach. The type of buyout influences the subsequent development of HRM.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 255331
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