haku: @author Assael, H. / yhteensä: 8
viite: 1 / 8
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Tekijä:Assael, H.
Poltrack, D. F.
Otsikko:Using viewer attitudes to evaluate TV program effectiveness
Lehti:Journal of Advertising Research
2006 : MAR, VOL. 46:1, p. 93-101
Asiasana:television advertising
advertising effectiveness
Tiivistelmä:The objective of this paper is to analyse the hypothesis that program attitudes are related to future program exposure. Findings show that program attitudes in a prior period are at least as strongly related to subsequent exposure as is exposure to the program in prior periods. Findings also show that familiarity has a positive effect on subsequent exposure only in association with favorable attitudes.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 261447
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