haku: @journal_id 747 / yhteensä: 80
viite: 8 / 80
Tekijä:Cao, Siyuan
Otsikko:The trends in the implementation of bankruptcy law and new suggestions (original in Chinese)
Lehti:Contemporary Finance and Economics (c)
1995 : 5, p.3-6
Tiivistelmä:In the course of implementing bankruptcy law in China, three problems have been found and need to be solved. First, to ensure the smooth implementation of bankruptcy law, a fund for the resettlement of the unemployed people should be established in order to make the staff and workers relocated after enterprises declare bankruptcy. Second, the independency of judicial work should be strengthened and administrative organs' intervention of the work of courts reduced. At last, regional people's courts should be set up to avoid the local protectionism in the course of judicial work concerning bankruptcy.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 143307
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