haku: @indexterm Soviet Bloc / yhteensä: 80
viite: 11 / 80
Tekijä:Jansen, M.
Petrov, N.
Otsikko:Mass terror and the court: The Military Collegium of the USSR
Lehti:Europe-Asia Studies
2006 : JUN, VOL. 58:4, p. 589-602
Asiasana:social sciences
Soviet bloc
Vapaa asiasana:courts
Tiivistelmä:The Military Collegium (here as: M.C.) of the USSR Supreme Court under V.V. Ul'rikh tried some 40.000 'enemies of the people' behind closed doors, sentencing most of them to death. This study aims to enlighten the M.C.'s activities, mainly based on archival sources. It is suggested that the used quasi-legal procedure was adopted by the leadership under Stalin, in preference to purely administrative measures. This was due to the consideration being less likely to endanger the elite's loyalty. (The defendants of courts originated from the Soviet elite). From an organ of justice, the M.C. was turned into an appendage of the power apparatus, a weapon of arbitrary rule and lawlessness, a terrible machine of mass repression.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 262684
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