haku: @indexterm System dynamics / yhteensä: 80
viite: 53 / 80
Tekijä:Barlas, Y.
Otsikko:Multiple tests for validation of system dynamics type of simulation models.
Lehti:European Journal of Operational Research
1989 : SEP 5, VOL. 42:1, p. 59-87
Tiivistelmä:Validation of model behaviour is an important part of simulation validation in general, especially system dynamics model validation. Though system dynamics models have certain characteristics that render standard statistical tests inappropriate, it is argued that such inappropriateness should not lead adopting entirely qualitative procedures. A set of procedures are suggested that focus on major pattern components of a given composite behaviour pattern. Then the appropriateness and properties of those procedures are investigated through a series of simulation experiments. The experiments show that the suggested procedures are easy to apply and suitable for system dynamics type of behaviour evaluation.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 69919
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