haku: @journal_id 58 / yhteensä: 815
viite: 75 / 815
Tekijä:Bearden, W. O.
Hardesty, D. M.
Rose, R. L.
Otsikko:Consumer Self-Confidence: Refinements in Conceptualization and Measurement
Lehti:Journal of Consumer Research
2001 : JUN, VOL. 28:1, p. 121-134
Tiivistelmä:The development and validation of measures to assess multiple dimensions of consumer self-confidence are described in this article. Scale-development procedures resulted in a six-factor correlated model made up of the following dimensions: information acquisition, consideration-set formation, personal outcomes, social outcomes, persuasion knowledge, and marketplace interfaces. A series of studies demonstrate the psychometric properties of the measures, their discriminant validity with respect to related constructs, their construct validity, and their ability to moderate relationships among other important consumer behavior variables.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 234666
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