haku: @indexterm Value theory / yhteensä: 82
viite: 37 / 82
Tekijä:Flagestad, A.
Hope, C. A.
Otsikko:Strategic success in winter sports destinations: a sustainable value creation perspective
Lehti:Tourism Management
2001 : OCT, VOL. 22:5, p. 445-461
Asiasana:Tourist industry
Strategic management
Sports industry
Competitive advantage
Organizational structure
Value theory
Tiivistelmä:In this paper sustained value creation is suggested as a goal of srtategic performance in winter sport destinations. Two new models related to the strategic analysis of winter sports destinations. The first is a suggested configuration of value cration in winter sports destinations - the value fan" - and the second is a conceptual organizational model providing a framework fir analysis at strategigic level of such destinations.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 222351
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