haku: @indexterm success / yhteensä: 822
viite: 19 / 822
Tekijä:Ajmal, M.
Helo, P.
Kekäle, T.
Otsikko:Critical factors for knowledge management in project business
Lehti:Journal of Knowledge Management
2010 : VOL. 14:1, p. 156-168
Asiasana:knowledge management
project management
Nordic countries
Tiivistelmä:This study aims at identifying and examining various factors influencing the success or failure of knowledge management (KM) initiatives in project-based companies. After a literature review, proposed is a conceptual model of six factors of potential importance to the success of KM initiatives. The model is examined through an online survey of project managers and assistant managers from project-based businesses in Finland.
A lack of incentives and the absence of an appropriate information system (IS) are found to be the most significant barriers to successful KM initiatives in projects.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 276096
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