haku: @indexterm WELFARE STATE / yhteensä: 83
viite: 42 / 83
Tekijä:Stevenson-Yang, A.
Otsikko:Re-vamping the welfare state
Lehti:China Business Review
1996 : JAN-FEB, VOL. 23:1, p. 8-17
Tiivistelmä:China is dismantling the social security system invented in the early days of the People's Republic. In its place, eventually, will be a new system designed to be the foundation of a free labor market and a modern industrial nation. The speed of regulatory change thus far and the ambitiouseness of China's goals, however, have left foreign investors feeling bewildered -- and buffeted by rising labor costs and new regulatory demands. Although foreign investors generally support the changes, the rate at which labor costs are increasing is giving them pause.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 152799
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