haku: @indexterm WELFARE STATE / yhteensä: 83
viite: 40 / 83
Tekijä:Kangas, O. E.
Otsikko:Self-Interest and the Common Good: The Impact of Norms, Selfishness and Context in Social Policy Opinions
Lehti:Journal of Socio-Economics
1997 : Vol. 26:5, p. 475-494
Tiivistelmä:This article revolves around driving forces behind human actions: self-interest or the common good. Opinions on social policy give support to both approaches. Man is a Faust, torn by conflicting desires and wants. Which of these will be chosen depends on various situational factors that "frame" choices. By utilizing an opinion survey, the study analyzes the impacts of "frames" and how the wording of questions affects opinions on the welfare state. The study displays that: (a) Responses to general level questions show a strong commitment to altruistic values; in more specific questions, this altruism tends to fade away. (b) Frames referring to altruistic norms, self interest, and additional information given in the questionnaire have decisive impacts on answers.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 165936
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