haku: @indexterm Market entry / yhteensä: 84
viite: 72 / 84
Tekijä:López, L.E.
Roberts, E.B.
Otsikko:First-mover advantages in regimes of weak appropriability: the case of financial services innovations
Lehti:Journal of Business Research
2002 : DEC, VOL. 55:12, p. 997-1005
Asiasana:Entry conditions
Financial services
Market entry
Tiivistelmä:A well-established stream of research indicates that there are advantages to early market entry demonstrated in several industries, especially consumer products. Such empirical regularity has not been extensively tested in regimes of weak appropriability, such as the financial services industry. The authors of this article use historical methods to analyze the effects of order of market entry on market share in the financial services innovations.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 253168
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