haku: @indexterm tourist industry / yhteensä: 853
viite: 49 / 853
Tekijä:Casado, J.M.P.
Lara, P.R.
Otsikko:Loyalty programmes as a tourism service sales channel: a Spanish multi-sponsor programme case study
Lehti:Tourism review = Revue de tourism = Zeitschrift für Tourismus
2010 : VOL. 65:3, p. 35-45
Asiasana:customer relationship management (crm)
tourist industry
case studies
Vapaa asiasana:sponsorship
Tiivistelmä:This study deals with the search for alternative sales channels, which are not originally intended for this purpose, at a time of general crisis within the tourism sector (herein as: t-s.). The paper aims to explore basic aspects for the management of of t-s. companies participating multi-sponsor loyalty platforms and the high volume of tourism service (as: t-srv.) offers, e.g. flights, hotel accommodation, etc. Using data from a leading programme (as: prg.) in the Spanish market during a 10-year period with nearly 100,000 point redemptions etc. are evaluated by comparing them with other offers made.
It is found that t-srv. offers are indeed one of the reward choices most popular among cardholders. The consumer usually makes up their points total in the prg. to the required level by making additional payments. It is important to classify cardholders according to their point credit-rating and make them offers according to their preferences. Discussed are the benefits for a t-srv. service provider by joining a multi-sponsor loyalty prg. and including its services as reward offers.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 271992
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