haku: @indexterm tourist industry / yhteensä: 853
viite: 48 / 853
Tekijä:Prebensen, N.
Skallerud, K.
Chen, J.
Otsikko:Tourist motivation with sun and sand destinations: Satisfaction and the WOM-effect
Lehti:Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing
2010 : DEC, VOL. 27:8, p. 858-873
tourist industry
consumer satisfaction
Nordic countries
Vapaa asiasana:word-of-mouth
Tiivistelmä:A new conceptual framework (herein as: f-w.) of tourist motivation is presented to examine the tourist consumption process (as: c-process). This f-w. proposes causal relationships for important constructs in the c-process: btw. motivations to travel, tourists' satisfaction, and intentions to communicate with others by word-of-mouth (WOM). Based on the literature, suggested are two body-related dimensions, e.g. sun and warmth, fitness and health, and two mind-related dimensions, e.g. culture and nature, escapism. A research model examines the relevant relationships among the constructs, using a structural equation modeling (SEM) approach. The model is tested via an analysis of over 1,200 outbound charter tourists from Norway. It is confirmed that body and mind are useful as a f-w. for assessing tourist motivations. People have many motives for visiting sun and sand destinations. As expected, satisfaction was found to impact WOM etc. The findings of this study are important due to the great influence of WOM in tourism marketing.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 272075
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