haku: @indexterm Knowledge / yhteensä: 856
viite: 379 / 856
Tekijä:Thompson, G.F.
Otsikko:Getting to know the knowledge economy: ICTs, networks and governance
Lehti:Economy and Society
2004 : NOV, VOL. 33.4, p. 562-581
Information technology
Tiivistelmä:This paper addresses the question: do we live in a new information-based networked economy? Confronting the claims made that such an economy is in the making provides the opportunity to discuss some ideas about the reconfiguration of knowledge that the interaction of ICTs with networks is providing. The extent and impotance of ICTs is analysed and their potential impact on the evolution of economic activity is investigated. The question of how to "govern" these interactions is also broached.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 256838
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