haku: @indexterm Knowledge / yhteensä: 856
viite: 369 / 856
Tekijä:Hussler, C.
Otsikko:Culture and knowledge spillovers in Europe: new perspectives for innovation and convergence policies?
Lehti:Economics of innovation and new technology
2004 : SEP, VOL. 13:6, p. 523-541
Vapaa asiasana:Proximity
Tiivistelmä:The geography of knowledge flows within Europe is studied using European patent citations. The focus of the analysis is on whether technologies flow more rapidly among countries than share similar economic, geographic, technological or cultural characteristics. The specifity of the approach consists of integrating indicators of culture and cultural similarity. The empirical findings suggest that cultural distance has only a mitigated and moderate impact in comparison with other proximities. On the contrary, cultural belonging is shown to influence the geography of knowledge flows and innovation.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 259207
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