haku: @indexterm KNOWLEDGE / yhteensä: 856
viite: 204 / 856
Tekijä:Nairn, A.
Berthon, P.
Money, A
Otsikko:Learning from giants: exploring, classifying and analyzing existing knowledge on market research
Lehti:International Journal of Market Research
2007 : VOL.49:2,p. 257-274
market research
Vapaa asiasana:literature review
paradigm funnel
Tiivistelmä:The paper is an adapted version of the article by Nairn, Berthon, and Money originally published in Marketing Education Review, 13,2: 2003. The paper presents the ‘paradigm tunnelÂ’, a tool for conducting literature reviews. It is suggested that the paradigm funnel is advantageous for researchers. Since the publication of the original paper the paradigm funnel has been used to analyze Brand Management literature, as well as to structure a historic body of research on Market Segmentation, which is done in this paper.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 263858
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