haku: @indexterm china / yhteensä: 8570
viite: 106 / 8570
Tekijä:King, R.C.
Bu, N.
Otsikko:Perceptions of the mutual obligations between employees and employers: a comparative study of new generation IT professionals in China and the United States
Lehti:International journal of human resource management
2005 : JAN, VOL. 16:1, p. 46-64
Asiasana:Cross-cultural studies
Human resource management
Information industry
Information technology
Tiivistelmä:The psychological contract is examined from the perspective of new IT recruits located in USA and China in this study. Psychological contract emphasizes the mutual exchange between employees and employers. The study analyzed a questionnaire upon the graduating classes in the information technology discipline in USA and China. The findings indicate that new IT recruits from China and USA hold many similar beliefs on employer-employee obligations, such as employers' obligations to provide high pay, job autonomy, long-term job security, financial reward for obtaining IT certificates and so on.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 257952
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