haku: @indexterm china / yhteensä: 8570
viite: 39 / 8570
Tekijä:Bird, F.
Smucker, J.
Velasquez, M.
Otsikko:Introduction: International business firms, economic development, and ethics
Lehti:Journal of Business Ethics
2009 : VOL. 89, SUPPL. 2, p. 81-84
Asiasana:international business
economic development
developing countries
Pacific rim
South Africa
Tiivistelmä:This introduction presents this Special issue on 'International business firms, economic development, and ethics' The Special issue aims at illustrating how different social contexts present different ethical choices for international business firms.

The contents is as follows:
"The Ethical Responsibilities of Businesses in Developing Areas" by F. Bird ;
"When Economic Growth Rhymes with Social Development: The Malaysia Experience" by R.Naguib and J. Smucker ;
"Poverty, Race Relations, and the Practices of International Business: A Study of Fiji" by R. Daye ;
"Development, Power, and the Mining Industry in Papua: A Study of Freeport Indonesia" by P.A. Rifai-Hasan ;
"Ethical Reflections on the Opportunities and Challenges for International Business in China" by D.A. Krueger;
"Development, Justice, and Technology Transfer in China: The Case of HP and Legend" by M. Velasquez ;
"Ethical Analysis and Challenges of Two International Firms in China" by D.A. Krueger and B. Ding ;
"Project CARE: Placer Dome’s Efforts to Help Laid-off South African Miners Find Remunerative Work" by F. Bird ;
"Mobilizing Business for Post-Secondary Education: CIDA University, South Africa" by E. Raufflet ;
"Why the Responsible Practice of Business Ethics Calls for a Due Regard for History" by F. Bird.

SCIMA tietueen numero: 269375
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