haku: @indexterm performance measurement / yhteensä: 862
viite: 603 / 862
Tekijä:Fortuin, L.
Otsikko:Performance indicators - Why, where and how?
Lehti:European Journal of Operational Research
1988 : FEB, VOL. 34:1, p. 1-9
Tiivistelmä:Experiences gained in applying system dynamics as a modelling methodology to create a feedback perspective of army defense situation are reflected. The ideas of the approach are outlined, and a case study model is presented to demonstrate the type of insight which can be generated by the method. This example is further used to make a comparison between system dynamics and other methods of defense operational analysis. It is concluded that system methodology suits to model higher level interaction at a much earlier stage.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 58898
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