haku: @indexterm Equal pay / yhteensä: 89
viite: 17 / 89
Tekijä:Eyraud, F.
Otsikko:Equal pay and the value of work in industrialized countries
Lehti:International Labour Review
1993 : VOL. 132:1, p. 33-48
Asiasana:EQUAL PAY
Tiivistelmä:Since the 1960s the fight against wage discrimination between men and women has made much progress, notably in the legislation. The principle of equal pay for work of equal value is now established, but encounters a basic obstacle in its application: exactly how to evaluate work. Using the most significant court decisions in major industrialized countries, the author demonstrates the difficulties of applying the notion of equal value, which can unintentionally result in many cases of indirect discrimination.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 108303
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