haku: @indexterm Information theory / yhteensä: 89
viite: 4 / 89
Tekijä:Chau, M.
Otsikko:Design and evaluation of a multi-agent collaborative Web mining system
Lehti:Decision Support Systems
2003 : APR, VOL. 35:1, p. 167-184
Tiivistelmä:In this paper, the author presents the Collaborative Spider, a multi-agent system designed to provide post- retrieval analysis and enable across-user collaboration in Web search and mining. This system allows the user to annotate search sessions and share them with other users. The author also reports a user study designed to evaluate the effectiveness of this system. The experimental findings show that subjects' search performance was degraded, compared to individual search scenarios in which users had no access to previous searches, when they had access to a limited number (e.g., 1 or 2) of earlier search sessions done by other users. However, search performance improved significantly when subjects had access to more search sessions.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 250329
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