haku: @indexterm Direct investment / yhteensä: 89
viite: 46 / 89
Tekijä:Buckley, P.J.
Otsikko:The strategy of multinational enterprises in the light of the rise of China
Lehti:Scandinavian Journal of Management
2007 : JUN, VOL. 23:2, p. 107-126
Asiasana:multinational companies
foreign investment
direct investment
Vapaa asiasana:FDI
Tiivistelmä:This study deals with the strategy of multinational enterprises in the global economy, focusing especially on their strategies (here as: strs.) in and about China. Outlined is the rise of globally distributed manufacturing, services and marketing under the control of a focal firm ("the global factory"). This analytical framework is applied to strs. in China. Outlined are the constraints (as: cnstrs.) on future growth in China and the interacting effects of these cnstrs. with the strs. of foreign firms.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 264188
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