haku: @indexterm PROJECT MANAGEMENT / yhteensä: 904
viite: 392 / 904
Tekijä:Turner, J.
Otsikko:Project management: future developments for the short and medium term
Lehti:International Journal of Project Management
1994 : FEB, VOL. 12:1, p. 3-4
Tiivistelmä:The author looks back over some developments in project management during the 11-year life of the journal "International Journal of Project Management", and considers possible future developments over the next decade. The author considers current developments seen from his vantage point as consultant, trainer and editor of the journal, and tries to predict what the next ten years may hold. Five major areas of development of project management over the next five years are analysed in the editorial.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 111028
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