haku: @journal_id 1387 / yhteensä: 93
viite: 62 / 93
Tekijä:Zhao, Yongqing
Otsikko:It is inevitable to further transfer the power of dealing with foreign trade to a lower level (original in Chinese)
Lehti:Global Market Information Guide (c)
1996 : 6, p.15-16
Tiivistelmä:The proper order of transferring the power to a lower level should be the domestic enterprises, privately-owned production enterprises and at last the foreign-funded enterprises. In terms of the choice of regions, the power should be transferred first to the coastal areas with high level of opening and then to the inland areas. In terms of the opening scope of commodities, a small number of very important commodities which are of vital importance to the nation's economy and the people's livelihood and belong to strategic resources with strong nature of monopoly in the world market should be dealt in jointly under the guidance of the state. For other commodities, the power of import and export will be transferred to a lower level gradually with the power of export transferred before the power of import.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 154894
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