haku: @indexterm Future / yhteensä: 937
viite: 792 / 937
Tekijä:Carlyle, R. E.
Otsikko:Toward 2017.
1987 : SEP 15, VOL. 33:18, p. 142-143, 146, 150, 154
Tiivistelmä:Present trends suggest that the next three decades in information processing will be as revolutionary as the last three. The combination of peer networks, a MIPS glut, and artificial intelligence will remake the structure of organizations and redefine the meaning of work. Both staffs and budgets will be slashed as computer power will be decentralized. Clerical and administrative workers will not be necessary any more. The rise of generalists is predicted. With a growing proportion of part-time employees loyalty to the company will erode further. Networks become more and more intelligent, they could grow into ümeganetworks and be used to facilitate mergers between corporations. The engine of progress remains miniaturization.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 56155
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