haku: @indexterm Future / yhteensä: 937
viite: 774 / 937
Tekijä:Müller, R.
Otsikko:Ist Ihr Wissen noch io? Führungserfolge - der "Spielmacher" - Typ ist im Vormarsch.
Lehti:Management-Zeitschrift Industrielle Organisation
1988 : JAN, VOL. 57:1, p. 36-40
Tiivistelmä:The style of management and manager behaviour has long been investigated by psychologists. However, when taking a look behind the scenes or even into the depths of the soul, the picture is anything but pleasing. The brief outlines of a few startling results serve as background for positive suggestions that are frequently uncomfortable. It is a question of looking at the realities in a sober and self-critical manner. The future calls for "global personalities" that clarify their blind spots, overcome their weaknesses and change them into "competence".
SCIMA tietueen numero: 57613
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