haku: @indexterm music industry / yhteensä: 94
viite: 52 / 94
Tekijä:Zhou, Mingsheng
Otsikko:The programme for the reform of the state-owned enterprises (original in Chinese)
Lehti:China Reform (c)
1999 : 9, p.6-8
Tiivistelmä:On the 19th of September, 1999, "The decision on Some Important Issues about the Reform and Development of the State-Owned Enterprises by the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party" was passed at the fourth Plenary Session of the 15th Central Committee. It points out that strategically speaking, the overall arrangement of the national economy should be readjusted, and the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure be combined properly with the readjustment of the structure of ownership. A new property system in which most state-owned enterprises have the investment entities of pluralism should be set up besides the fact that a few ones are dominated by the state's sole capital or holdings.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 206630
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