haku: @indexterm Capital gains tax / yhteensä: 94
viite: 10 / 94
Tekijä:Collins, J. H.
Kemsley, D.
Otsikko:Capital gains and dividend taxes in firm valuation: evidence of triple taxation
Lehti:Accounting Review
2000 : OCT, VOL. 75:4, p. 405-427
Asiasana:Equity capital
Capital gains tax
Vapaa asiasana:Dividend taxes
Tiivistelmä:Although firms account for entity-level taxes, they do not account for shareholder-level capital gains and dividend taxes. To account for these proprietary-level taxes, the authors add them to a residual-income equity valuation model. Empirical analysis supports the model's predictions.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 221771
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