haku: @journal_id 840 / yhteensä: 97
viite: 9 / 97
Tekijä:Wu, Yuhui
Yang, Xiaolou
Otsikko:Micro analysis of the problem of "being laid off" and system solution (original in Chinese)
Lehti:Economic Science (c)
1999 : 1, p.11-19
Tiivistelmä:By using the instrument of micro-economics and system analytic method, this paper explores the concepts of absolute and relative redundant employees and analyzes the certain relation between the state-owned enterprises' objective model of shift from cost minimization to profit maximization and the problem of "being laid off". It expounds the contradiction between market economy seeking micro efficiency and realizing the macro efficiency and social fairness objective, and then points out that state-owned enterprises will possibly operate on the basis of relative surplus labour force even if they are in the condition of perfect socialist market economy. If socialist enterprises seek micro efficiency on the basis of fairness, they must change the objective model, especially the structures of policy decision and distribution.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 197685
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