haku: @indexterm manufacturing industry / yhteensä: 974
viite: 40 / 974
Tekijä:Plasman, R.
Rusinek, M.
Rycx, F.
Otsikko:Wages and the bargaining regime under multi-level bargaining: Belgium, Denmark and Spain
Lehti:European Journal of Industrial Relations
2007 : VOL. 13:2, p.161-180
Asiasana:collective bargaining
manufacturing industry
trade unions
Tiivistelmä:In this study, a harmonized matched employer-employee dataset is used to study the impact of the collective bargaining regime on wages in the manufacturing sector in three countries with a multi-level system of bargaining: Belgium, Denmark and Spain. Single-employer bargaining has a positive effect both on wage levels and on wage dispersion in Belgium and in Denmark. In Spain, it also increases wage levels but reduces wage dispersion. The writers' interpretation is that in Belgium and Denmark, single-employer bargaining is used to adapt pay to the specific needs of the firm, while in Spain it is mainly used by trade unions in order to compress the wage distribution.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 264991
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