haku: @freeterm introduction / yhteensä: 6
viite: 6 / 6
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Tekijä: | Read, D. Loewenstein, G. (eds.) |
Otsikko: | Time and decision: Introduction to the Special issue |
Lehti: | Journal of Behavioral Decision Making
2000 : APR/JUN, VOL. 13:2, p. 141-144 |
Asiasana: | Decision making Psychology |
Vapaa asiasana: | Introduction |
Kieli: | eng |
Tiivistelmä: | This introductory presents contents of this Special issue on 'Time and Decision'. This Special issue showcases cutting-edge contributions to the field of intertemporal choice. It refers to tradeoffs btw. costs and benefits occurring at different points of time. This issue includes e.g. the following: Discounting in judgments of delay and probability (by H.Rachlin, J.Brown and D.Cross) ; Intransitive intertemporal choice (by P.H.M.P. Roelofsma and D.Read) ; Living with uncertainty: attractiveness and resolution timing (by D.Lovallo and D.Kahneman) ; Gestalt characteristics of experiences: the defining features of summarized events (by D.Ariely and Z.Carmon) ; Preferences for improving and declining sequences of health outcomes (by G.B.Chapman) ; On the making of an experience: the effects of breaking and combining experiences on their overall evaluation (by D.Ariely and G.Zauberman) ; The economics of immediate gratification (by T.O'Donoghue and M.Rabin) ; The heterogeneity of time-risk tradeoffs (by H.Chesson and W.K.Viscusi) ; What does it mean to know a cumulative risk? Adolescents' perceptions of short-term and long-term consequences of smoking (by P.Slovic) ; |
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