haku: @author Andriotis, K. / yhteensä: 7
viite: 7 / 7
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Tekijä: | Andriotis, K. |
Otsikko: | Scale of hospitality firms and local economic development - evidence from Crete |
Lehti: | Tourism Management
2002 : AUG, VOL. 23:4, p. 333-341 |
Asiasana: | Tourist industry Hotel and catering industry Tourism Greece Organizational size |
Kieli: | eng |
Tiivistelmä: | The hospitality industry generates benefits for many host communities including employment generation and foreign exchange earnings. However, the hospitality industry often leads to external dependency contributing to a loss of local control over resources, migrant workforce and leakages outside the local economy. Taking as a case the island of Crete this paper studies how well different size hospitality firms contribute to local economic development. |
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