haku: @author Laroche, M. (et al.) / yhteensä: 5
viite: 3 / 5
Tekijä: | Laroche, M. (et al.) |
Otsikko: | Effects of subcultural differences on country and product evaluations |
Lehti: | Journal of Consumer Behaviour
2003 : MAR, VOL. 2:3, p. 232-247 |
Asiasana: | Consumer behaviour Culture |
Kieli: | eng |
Tiivistelmä: | Most cross-cultural studies on country of origin (COO) or product-country image (PCI) effects have implicitly assumed that national markets are composed of homogeneous consumers. Although many investigations in this field are described as cross-cultural, most are in fact cross-national. The overarching hypothesis of the present research is that PCI effects may vary across subcultures within a country. The results indicate that subcultural differences exist in the evaluation of culturally affiliated countries and their products. Cognitive responses converged to show that consumers' perceived linkages significantly influence the weight given to the country of origin in product evaluations. |