haku: @indexterm welfare state / yhteensä: 83
viite: 20 / 83
Tekijä:Pirttilä, J.
Otsikko:Is international labour mobility a threat to the welfare state? Evidence from Finland in the 1990s
Lehti:Finnish Economic Papers
2004 : SPRING, VOL. 17:1, p. 18-34
Asiasana:Labour mobility
Welfare state
Tiivistelmä:Panel-data analysis based on country-level data on the migration destination countries of the (even highly educated) Finnish emigrants in 1990-2000 reveals, however, that migration has not been directed towards with low tax rate. These findings therefore suggest that while there is some evidence that the Finnish welfare state may suffer from the selection of emigration incidence on highly educated workforce, emigration has mainly been determined by other factors than potential tax competition on mobile labour.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 255643
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