haku: @indexterm disputes / yhteensä: 33
viite: 13 / 33
Tekijä: | Bown, C.P. |
Otsikko: | Trade disputes and the implementation of protection under tha GATT: an empirical assessment |
Lehti: | Journal of International Economics
2004 : MAR, VOL. 62:2, p. 263-294 |
Asiasana: | Disputes GATT Implementation Tariffs |
Kieli: | eng |
Tiivistelmä: | This article is a first attempt to empirically determine why countries choose to violate or adhere to GATT rules when making trade policy adjustments between rounds. A previously unexploited set of data is used in which countries implemented two "types" of protection under the GATT system between 1973 and 1994: 1) "legal" protection in which countries utilized the GATT's safeguards provisions and 2) "illegal" protection in which the protection was provided outside of the safeguards provisions, resulting in a formal trade dispute. Substantial evidence is found that concerns for retaliation affect government policy decisions in ways which contribute to the explanation of the existence of trade disputes. |