haku: @indexterm job attitudes / yhteensä: 246
viite: 20 / 246
Tekijä: | Walters, S. |
Otsikko: | Making the best of bad jobs? Female part-timers' orientations and attitudes to work |
Lehti: | Gender, Work and Organization
2005 : MAY, VOL. 12:3, p. 193-216 |
Asiasana: | Women Part-time workers Commitment Job satisfaction Job attitudes United Kingdom |
Kieli: | eng |
Tiivistelmä: | This article examines work attitudes and orientations of 50 female part-time workers using qualitative interviews. The women are working in low-level jobs in Britain. The results show that female part-timers do not form a homogenous group as workers, instead at least three work orientation groups are found: weak, instrumental, and ambitious commitment. It is argued that women's possibilities to choose btw. 'family work' and 'market work' are still limited. |