haku: @indexterm retail industry / yhteensä: 66
viite: 16 / 66
Tekijä:Marcus, A.A.
Anderson, M.H.
Otsikko:A general dynamic capability: Does it propagate business and social competencies in the retail food industry?
Lehti:Journal of Management Studies
2006 : JAN, VOL. 43:1, p. 19-46
retail industry
supply chain management
Tiivistelmä:This paper discusses whether a general dynamic capability breeds competencies both in the areas of business and social goals. It is shown that while a general dynamic capability affects firms' competence in supply chain management, it does not affect their competence in environmental management. Firm mission and the extent to which firms obtain technical assistance are found to affect the acquisition of this latter competency.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 260516
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