haku: @indexterm romania / yhteensä: 75
viite: 19 / 75
Tekijä:Ietcu, I.
Otsikko:Argumentation, dialogue and conflicting moral economies in post-1989 Romania: an argument against the trade union movement
Lehti:Discourse & Society
2006 : SEP, VOL. 17:5, p. 627-650
Asiasana:trade unions
transition economies
Vapaa asiasana:post-communism
Tiivistelmä:In this article, analyzed is a representative newspaper article on transition to a market economy in Romania, especially on the role of the trade union movement by H-R. Patapievici. Combined are critical discourse analysis (CDA), theories of argumentation, in particular pragma-dialectics, and a theory of modality. This integrated framework is proposed as an original contribution to the development of CDA as a method of textual analysis.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 263029
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