haku: @freeterm MBA / yhteensä: 28
viite: 20 / 28
Tekijä: | Sturdy, A. (et al.) |
Otsikko: | Management as a (self) confidence trick: Management ideas, education and identity work |
Lehti: | Organization
2006 : NOV, VOL. 13:6, p. 841-860 |
Asiasana: | management knowledge management development management education |
Vapaa asiasana: | MBA |
Kieli: | eng |
Tiivistelmä: | This article explores managers' reflections on the consequences of studying explicit management (here as: mgmt.) ideas within the context of the MBA. Some direct translation, combination and application of ideas is evident, along with the more indirect discursive construction of an identity as 'strategic' or managerial in content. The MBA becomes a means for acquiring appropriate language fluency in mgmt. and the self-confidence to gain legitimacy and social privilege in senior mgmt. The article points to the analytical value of exploring the translation of knowledge beyond that of the transformation of ideas and of the discursive content of identity etc. |