haku: @indexterm romania / yhteensä: 75
viite: 15 / 75
Tekijä:Grodeland, Å. B.
Otsikko:"Red mobs", "yuppies", "lamb heads" and others: Contacts, informal networks and politics in the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Bulgaria and Romania
Lehti:Europe-Asia Studies
2007 : MAR, VOL. 59:2, p. 217-252
Czech republic
Tiivistelmä:The aim of this paper is to address the use of contacts and informal networks in the political sphere in post-communist states in East Central and South East Europe. Two main hypotheses tested were: is informality functional and mainly a result of transition, and is informality embedded in the national culture and/or s leftover from communism. They are tested with elite interviews. The paper shows that although informality is largely a response to problem and opportunities caused by transition, the manner in which it is expressed reflects the national culture and communist experience.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 264630
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