haku: @indexterm Managerial activities / yhteensä: 240
viite: 13 / 240
Tekijä:Tempel, A.
Walgenbach, P.
Otsikko:Global standardisation of organisational forms and management practices? What new institutionalism and the business-systems approach can learn from each other.
Lehti:Journal of Management Studies
2007 : JAN, VOL. 44:1, p. 1-24
Asiasana:managerial activities
organizational design
structural analysis
organization theory
Tiivistelmä:This paper concentrates on two institutional traditions in organization theory: new institutionalism and the business-systems approach. Both theories emphasize the adaption of organizations to their institutional environments. However, they come to very different conclusions as to the standardization of organizational forms and management practices. The object of the paper is to move those theories beyond convergence/divergence dichotomy so that they are better placed to account for signs of global standardization and continue persistence of differences in organizational forms and management practices in different countries. This study systemically compares these two traditions and suggests how they can learn from each other. The paper also develops agenda for future empirical research.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 266306
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